2014 seems like forever ago for Necco Foster Parents, Victoria and Matthew James.
The couple had struggled with infertility for years and were told they would never have children. The couple wanted nothing more than to have a child. They contacted Necco of Augusta, Georgia who spoke with them about the ability to adopt a child through foster care.
Two weeks after their home was approved, they received a call about two young children who needed a foster family. Victoria and Matthew were overjoyed to accept an infant boy by the name of Rodney and a one year old little girl by the name of Zhaniyah.
“It has been a blessing for us. It was God’s will. We were doing what he wanted us to do.”
The James home was suddenly filled with the pitter-patter of little feet, laughter, and baby cries. To Victoria and Matthew, it was the sweetest sound.
But the couple was about to receive news that would change their family forever.
Two months after Rodney and Zhaniyah joined their family, Victoria heard the words that she never thought she would: You are pregnant. In 2015, Victoria gave birth to a daughter, Micah. This year, a second daughter, Rebecca was born.
But 2017 had another special milestone in mind for the James Family. It would be the year that Rodney and Zhaniyah were officially adopted by Victoria and Matthew! In three years, the James family has grown from a family of two to a family of six!.
“Our experience has been very easy. If I could give any advice to other people who are thinking about fostering, I would tell them that they have to be committed-be all in it”, Victoria commented.
Because Rodney and Zhaniyah came into the James family at such a young age, they have never known any other parents than Victoria and Matthew. So, when Zhaniyah started Kindergarten this year, she was confused by a classmate who remarked about her skin color being different than her mother’s, saying “That’s not your mommy. She’s not your color.” To which Zhaniyah quickly replied, “She is my color, too!”
Love built Zhaniyah's family.
If you have love to build a family like Victoria and Matthew James, reach out to us today. Children like Rodney and Zhaniyah need a loving family just like yours.