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Meet Allie Wilburn: Huntington Life Coach


Written by: Corinne Rivers


Allie Wilburn has been an Independent Living Life Coach in Huntington, WV, since the beginning of 2022.

She earned her Bachelors degree in Health Science at Morehead State University. She then went on to graduate school to study Speech Pathology, but decided not to pursue the degree once she began working at Necco Independent Living.

"I knew that I had found my purpose and my home [at Necco]," Allie said. "My IL team has become family to me."

After the first few months at Necco, Allie said she realized it wasn't your typical 9-5. Necco's corporate culture was something she never thought she'd find in a career. "I have never felt more valued, heard and respected."

The young adults in West Virginia can find an amazing supporter in Allie. She said advocating for these individuals is her biggest passion. "The look on their face when you truly and genuinely show up for them is priceless," Allie said. "Rewarding their victories and helping them win will always be my favorite part of the job."

In 2022, Allie won Necco's "Horizon" award, which is given to a new employee that has represented Necco's principles and standards. This award roughly equates to "Rookie of the Year."

Awards aren't the only thing that mark Allie's success in her position. Her supervisor, Ernest Lockett, Ohio State Director of IL, said that Allie is an amazing addition to the team. "She is a trusted ally to all the young adults on her caseload," Ernest added. "Allie continues to do an excellent job empowering young adults towards self-sufficiency and independence."

Vice President of IL, Greg Thompson, also noted that Allie is a "fantastic example" of Necco's corporate culture.

"She has continued to help grow the program in WV and help her Young Adults on their path toward productive citizenship," Greg said.

Working in the world of Independent Living is best summed up with Allie's words:

"Working with a vulnerable population is privilege; be kind and remember that everyone is doing the best that they can. Build a bond with clients and be someone that they can trust. Be their constant. A little compassion will go farther than you could ever imagine."

Allie's compassion and determination to help young adults in need is such an invaluable part of Necco's Independent Living program. You can learn more about IL by following them on Facebook or make a referral for the program with our form.
